Biodegradable vs Non-Biodegradable Filament - What's the Difference

October 23, 2021

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between biodegradable and non-biodegradable filaments in 3D printing? Well, look no further! Today, we will compare the two types of filaments.

What are Biodegradable Filaments?

Biodegradable filaments are made of materials that can break down and decompose naturally over time. These filaments are often made from organic materials such as cornstarch, sugarcane, or even potatoes.

One of the most significant advantages of biodegradable filaments is their eco-friendliness. They are much more environmentally friendly than their non-biodegradable counterparts since they decompose naturally, leaving no harmful waste behind.

However, biodegradable filaments have a downside. They are less durable and sturdy than their non-biodegradable counterparts. They can't withstand high temperatures like PLA and ABS, which means they are not suitable for creating items such as car dashboards or computer cases.

What are Non-Biodegradable Filaments?

Non-biodegradable filaments are made of materials that cannot decompose naturally, such as ABS or PETG plastics. These filaments contain traditional plastics that take years to degrade, which harms the environment.

The significant advantage of non-biodegradable filaments is that they are more durable than their biodegradable counterparts. They can withstand higher temperatures, making them more useful for creating items that will be exposed to harsh environments.

However, the downside is that these filaments are less environmentally friendly. They do not break down naturally and often end up clogging landfills, causing significant damage to the environment.

Which Filament is Best?

There is no clear winner in the debate between biodegradable and non-biodegradable filaments. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. If you're looking to produce an item that will be used outdoors or in high-temperature environments, non-biodegradable filaments are the best choice. Otherwise, biodegradable filaments are an excellent choice.

In conclusion, understanding the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable filaments is important when embarking on a 3D printing project. Ultimately, the choice depends on the item's purpose and lifespan.


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